Office Information
Gary Mathes
Stacy Seaton
Phone: (573) 636-0400 Ext 336
Toll-Free: 1-800-736-6227 ext 336
400 E High St
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Welcome to Resume Services!
For Churches Seeking a Minister...
You may complete the Search Committee Profile on-line. Upon completion, our staff will process your information as soon as possible and provide data to your search committee within 10 working days. Please provide as much information as possible so that we can respond to your request in a timely, thorough manner.
For Ministers Seeking a Church...
You may submit personal biographical information on-line by completing our Automated Resume Form. Your information will automatically be shared with inquiring congregations as appropriate. Please note: this information is confidential and available only to the Missouri Baptist Convention Office Staff dealing with this Resumes Service. Please provide complete information. If the REQUIRED information is not received, the personal data will not be transmitted.
This service is made possible by generous gifts from churches and individuals to the Cooperative Program.